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HNW turns 30!

A huge thanks to everyone that came to our 30th Anniversary celebration at PLATF9RM. It was great to see clients, consultants and friends all there to join in the celebratory moment.

We’ve had a busy 30th year here at HNW with two new directors joining the board, the recent internal team promotions for associate directors and associates – and of course the opening of our second studio in Brighton & Hove.
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We are excited to continue to build on the solid foundations of the last 30 years with renewed ambition and a collective drive to make the most of our current and expanding geographical reach, our projects and portfolio, our clients, customers and friends, and of course our very own HNW team.
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Looking to the next 30 years we are driven to continue working with like-minded people and design and create a sustainable social legacy for both our projects and our practice. We will continue to put people at the centre of everything we do and leave a lasting legacy for end users and local communities.
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We can’t wait to see where the next 30 years takes us!
October 2021