Rosie Mitchell 19X6
Hnw Architects Rosie Mitchell Square

New Board Director

HNW Architects are very pleased to announce that Rosie Mitchell has now joined the Board of Directors.
Rosie Announcement 19X6
Rosie joined the practice as an Architect in 2010 and since then has worked on some very significant projects for some of our most important clients. Working across multiple sectors, Rosie has brought her enthusiasm, commitment and drive to everything that she has undertaken for the business, which was recognised when she was asked to become an Associate in 2017.

Rosie has already become one of our key people who has contributed to the wider success of the practice, and played an active role in its direction and growth. It is all of these qualities that have been recognised by the Board, and why Rosie’s position as a Director of the practice is central to HNW’s plans for the business moving forward.
I am incredibly grateful for this amazing opportunity and am thrilled to accept a place on the Board. I am really excited for the future of HNW.

I am proud to be a part of the HNW team and will strive to be a positive influence to the ongoing success of the practice now and in the future.
Rosie Mitchell
This is the first in a number of significant announcements for HNW Architects, which we look forward to sharing in the coming year.
April 2021