Hnw Architects Carbon Footprint
Hnw Architects Carbon Footprint Square

Latest progress in our carbon reduction plan

HNW Architects is thrilled to unveil our latest Carbon Reduction Report and Plan.

When it comes to sustainability, actions speak louder than words. We take pride in demonstrating our dedication to a greener future by openly sharing the substantial progress we’ve achieved in pursuit of our goals.
Hnw Architects Emission Tables
Today, we are pleased to publish our latest figures, demonstrating our commitment to a more sustainable future and highlighting the significant progress we’ve made over the past year (2022-23), when measured against our 2019 baseline:

48 % reduction in total CO2 emissions
63 % reduction in commuting emissions
33% of our staff walked, used public transport or cycled
51 % reduction in business Km driven
35 % reduction in gas usage
18 % reduction in electrical usage
Hnw Architects Trajectory
Our Market Based Reporting for 2022 – 2023 is 62.2 tCO2e and equivalent to 1.61 tCO2e/FTE

Our trajectory towards net zero by 2050 or sooner.
October 2023